Amy Reads Books

Anna Karenina (Penguin Red)

Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy, Richard Pevear, Larissa Volkhonsky It's been a while since I read Anna Karenina; but I adored it, and the characters of Anna, Vronsky, Kitty and Konstantin have remained with me.When I read it, I remember really loving Anna, I get the feeling you're probably supposed to dislike her for abandoning her family on the chance to explore and affair with Vronsky, which ends with her becoming hideously paranoid about his fidelity. However, I found the passion displayed in their relationship far more interesting than that of Kitty and Konstantin, who were sweet...but little more.I really enjoyed reading this novel, Tolstoy's ability to craft varied and vivid characters is very clever, although I must admit, his political views of the peasant situation could be viewed as being a little shoe-horned in!!